workshops & events

Do contact me if you have any questions about retreats or workshops, or if you’d like to talk about a bespoke workshop or collaborating on an event.

frosty view of Sale

mindful yoga mini retreat
embracing autumn… the power of rest and retreat

Saturday 26 October 2023 – 1:30pm-4pm

Very mellow. Very calming. Very lovely.” 

March 2024 retreater

Through gentle yoga and Hanna somatic movement you’ll reconnect with your body. Your key task this afternoon will be to slow down and find your ‘sticking points’, so that new and nourishing ways to re-pattern well-worn tension habits begin to emerge.

You’ll definitely have heard of and probably experienced yoga before, but maybe not somatics? ‘Soma’ simply means the living body in all its amazing wholeness, and by weaving some somatics into the afternoon, we can bring greater awareness to mind and body. And once we’ve started to notice more and see what’s there, we can begin to choose to do something different about those habitual tensions and discomforts that we often think we’re stuck with. Adding somatics into the mix means we’re reshaping the brain to change the body – mind blowing!

As always, we’ll be bringing moving and still meditation and mindfulness activities to proceedings, adding some further layers of gentle awareness – and providing us with a great opportunity to take stock, and hunker down.

This afternoon is a chance to practice and train ourselves to rest. A skill so many of us (me included) often forget we ever had.

Join me in taking the time to step off, relax and remember how to slow down, settle and rest our way into winter.

In person at The Yoga Rooms, £40 or 2 places for £70 

frosty view of Sale

mindful yoga mini retreat
finding ease in the back

Saturday 23 November 2023 – 1:30pm-4pm

A wonderful afternoon of respite and nurture.” 


In person at The Yoga Rooms, £40 or 2 places for £70